Be Competitive — With Yourself!

July 12,2023 @ 01:00 pm    to   July 12,2023 @ 02:00 pm

Be Competitive — With Yourself!

This workshop is part of the Sales Enablement Series

See the complete series overview here:

Episode 012: Be Competitive — With Yourself!

In order to improve and grow, you are going to need to have the self-discipline and drive to compete with yourself.  Keeping detailed statistics and information regarding your achievement or shortfalls in key success metrics gives you benchmarks to strive for.  The idea is to ultimately improve your performance day after day, week over week, month over month, quarter over quarter, year over year.  Honestly, evaluating your effort level and pursuit of the education necessary to uplevel your skills goes hand in hand with this.  When you start continuously striving for incremental improvement on a day-by-day basis, you will string together a multitude of winning days that will funnel into greater success than you’ve previously had.

What You’ll Learn

Strategies to create the self-discipline that will propel you to the top of your craft

How to avoid the trap of comparing yourself to others in an unproductive manner

Why your self-esteem and self-confidence will grow exponentially through this mindset 

You can register for all workshop episodes at the same time.

Event Partner and Presenter – Knopf Knows Solutions

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Event Information

July 12,2023 @ 01:00 pm
July 12,2023 @ 02:00 pm
Series, Webinars, Workshops
10x Sales Strategy Series

Event Organizer

Moving Forward Small Business

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